WHO works here? - Team and network

usolvit is a family business. We have made it our goal to create a working environment – jointly with our customers - in which future generations can be happy and productive.

We maintain a large and international network that reaches into different worlds: consultants and coaches, solution-focused practitioners in therapy and business, IT experts, scientists, artists, film-makers, tango dancers, and many more. This allows us to put together a varied range of offers that meet your needs.


The usolvit core team

Dr. Susanne Burgstaller - Gründerin, Principal Consultant und und Managing Director von usolvit consultants GmbH
Dr. Susanne Burgstaller - Gründerin, Principal Consultant und und Managing Director von usolvit consultants GmbH

Dr. Susanne Burgstaller

Founder, Principal Consultant and and Managing Director of usolvit consultants GmbH

Detailed profile

Dr. Andrew Poulter - Chief Information Officer, Mit-Begründer und Allround Supporter
Dr. Andrew Poulter - Chief Information Officer, Mit-Begründer und Allround Supporter

Dr. Andrew Poulter

Chief Information Officer,
Co-Founder and Allround Supporter

Short profile

Emily C. Poulter, B.A. - Creative Director, Produzentin bei Arabella Films und Motivations-Talent

Emily C. Poulter, B.A.

Creative Director,
Managing Director of Arabella Films and motivational talent

Short profile

Katie J. Poulter - Event-Managerin und Organisations-Talent
Katie J. Poulter - Event-Managerin und Organisations-Talent

Katie J. Poulter

Marketing Director and organisational talent

Short profile

Susanne Juma - Chief Financial Officer, Office Managerin und Wonder Woman
Susanne Juma - Chief Financial Officer, Office Managerin und Wonder Woman

Susanne Juma

Chief Financial Officer,
Office Manager and Wonder Woman

Short profile

Favourite cooperation partners

Bennie Bartels

With Bennie I have created unique and inspiring events and workshops. He combines the metaphor of dance in a unique way with insights into leadership, relationships, agility and collaboration.

Chris Iveson

Chris is the most inspiring coach and humorous trainer in the solution-focused community. He has developed the solution-focused approach in a unique way and I am proud to have published a book with him. I am happy to be offering workshops together.

Dr. Doris Regele

Doris and I have been working together for many years. I value her above all for her solid solution-focused know-how, her infectious positivity and her reliability in all things.

Prof. Dr. Fritz Simon

Fritz is my favourite teacher in the systemic scene. With no one else have I "endured" so many training days (there were 30!!)! He makes theory practical and conveys complex knowledge in an amusing way.

Dr. Gerhard Denk

I have already designed many great solution-focused workshops and events with Gerhard. I appreciate him above all for his calmness and prudence, his gift for inspiration and his many good ideas.

Elfie Czerny

Elfie was my favourite co-facilitator of workshops and trainings for several years before she was whisked away by her dear husband Dominik Godat to Switzerland and then around the world. I hope to see more collaborations in the future!

Harald Karrer

Harald is my absolute favourite visualiser! Not only did we create a great book together (link to Team Talk), but we have learnt the art of visualisation in his course, and he has enriched some great events for my clients with his talent.

Veronika Kotrba und Ralph Miarka

I admire Veronika and Ralph for the energy they put into building and developing the agile-solution-focused scene and for the momentum they generate. I have the honour to be invited to deliver a module on solution-focused change management in their training course for agile coaches.


usolvit ist mit verschiedenen Communities eng verbunden. Wir kooperieren gerne mit KollegInnen unterschiedlicher Länder und Kulturen.

asfio - Association for Solution Focus in Organisations

asfio gibt LF PraktikerInnen, die in Organisationen arbeiten, eine Stimme und ist eine zentrale Institution was Weiterentwicklungen im lösungsfokussierten Feld betrifft. asfio publiziert das Magazin InterAction und ist Gastgeber verschiedener Foren für den Austausch und die Weitergabe von Wissen und Erfahrung.

SOL World

SOL - Solutions in Organisations Link-up - ist ein internationales Netz an KollegInnen und Partner-Organisationen, die verbunden sind durch die Anwendung von Lösungsfokus in Organisationen. Diese Community entwickelt den lösungsfokussierten Ansatz weiter und organisiert eine jährliche globale Konferenz sowie viele weitere Meetings und Plattformen zum Austausch.

Austrian Solution Circle

Uns verbinden Lösungen! Ein KollegInnen-Kreis, mit dem wir Methoden, Haltungen, und Projekte gemeinsam haben.


SOL World DACH ist die deutschsprachige Community lösungsfokussierter PraktikerInnen. Wir organisieren eine jährliche Konferenz für den Austausch in deutscher Sprache.

Business Agility Institute

usolvit ist Mitglied des Business Agility Institutes. Das ist eine globale Community von Vertretern agiler Organisationen – Führungskräfte, MitarbeiterInnen und Coaches – die Wissen um die Wege zu mehr Business Agilität miteinander teilt.