Workshop: MitarbeiterInnen-Change Journey
Alle sprechen von der Customer Journey, dabei ist die aktive Gestaltung Ihrer MitarbeiterInnen-Journey bei Change Expeditionen mindestens genau so wichtig. Erarbeiten Sie, welche MitarbeiterInnen-Gruppen Sie mit welchen Botschaften erreichen und zu welchem Verhalten bewegen wollen.
Finden Sie heraus, welche Fragen Ihre MitarbeiterInnen bewegen und wo sie in Bezug auf Ihr Vorhaben stehen. Es macht einen Unterschied zu wissen, für welche Zielgruppen Ihr Change-Vorhaben „pains“ oder „gains“ verursacht.
Nutzen Sie die Kraft der Empathie, um Ihre MitarbeiterInnen mit usolvit auf Ihrer Change-Reise gut zu begleiten:
- Schauen Sie Ihren MitarbeiterInnen „aufs Maul“: Welche Themen werden besprochen und in welcher Weise?
- Wer sind „Schlüssel-Personen“ innerhalb und außerhalb Ihrer Organisation und wie können Sie diese beeinflussen?
- In welcher Phase des Überzeugungs-Prozesses stehen die einzelnen Zielgruppen?
- Was sind die passende Influencing oder Nudging-Techniken?
- Wer sind die willigen Vorreiter?
- MitarbeiterInnen schenken den Aussagen ihrer KollegInnen oft mehr Glauben als jenen ihrer Executives. Nutzen Sie diese als BotschafterInnen!
- Suchen Sie den Dialog dabei – online und persönlich!
Ihr usolvit Service reicht von der Anpassung unseres Workshop-Konzeptes an Ihre Situation über die Durchführung bis zur Dokumentation und Nachbesprechung der Ergebnisse.
Workshop: Talent Management 4.0
HR leaders and managers learn how to motivate and reshape the employee journey through the organization. They tailor tasks to suit talent, create supportive working conditions, decrease work-friction and generate long-lasting motivation, high engagement and peak performance.
Learn how to:
- Increase motivation and performance through a positive employee experience.
- Attract, develop and retain talent
- Modernise your employer branding
- Prepare your organisation for the Millenials
- Structure your talent process in a contemporary way
Workshop: Positive Change
Be good when it counts! - A "booster day" for your leaders and change agents is an excellent investment that will result in less friction and better flow in later change stages. It helps your change team to positively align themselves and others to change. It also prepares them for the continuous learning journey that change requires.
After this one or half-day workshop, participants will have learned how to:
- Think about change in a fundamentally different and more useful way >
- Increase their ability to learn
- Increase their mental and emotional fitness
- Become a positive source of energy for themselves and others
- Promote positive energy networks
- Bounce back quickly from stress and strengthen their resilience
Workshop: Positive Purpose
In this workshop, top executives, middle management and the change team work together on the following question: What is the purpose of our change mission? What are we doing this for? How is it connected to the purpose of our organization?
With our professional facilitation they decide how to...
- Promote a common and higher purpose – something the organization does that is of public value
- Pursue goals that contribute to this purpose
- Connect purpose with the passion of the people involved
- Create a shared vision
Workshop: Vision & Roadmap
Your leadership or change team needs to take time out to describe the destination in such concrete terms so that both the direction and the roadmap are defined.
After this workshop it will be clear:
- Where do we want to go specifically?
- Where do we want to go specifically?
- What will be different in our organisation when we have reached it?
- How will we and also our customers and employees notice that we have reached this destination?
- How will we and also our customers and employees notice that we have reached this destination?
- What resources do we have that will help us along the way?
- What could a roadmap towards this destination look like?
Workshop: Lessons-Learnt Retro
Not all findings from pilot projects can be transferred as is. Sometimes lessons- learnt need to be adapted for other projects or domaine. In addition, the change team should continuously take care of its own collaboration and learning.
What has been achieved with the change team after a "Lessons-Learnt Retro" facilitated by usolvit?
- Findings are evaluated
- The benefit of the change expedition is clear and transferrable
- Learnings can be amplified
- Momentum and enthusiasm are infectious
- Achievements are consolidated and made an integral part of the organisation's routines
- The change team takes good care of itself and can thus achieve more